Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Perfect Omlette

This omlette recipe is so versatile you can fill it with any veggies you like and eat it for breakfast, lunch or dinner (but not all in one day! ;)

2 eggs
1 - 2 cups in total of vegetables, chopped/diced to same size pieces
small sprinkling of grated cheese (optional)

Choose from mushrooms, celery, bok/pak choy, tomato, capsicum, coleslaw mix (yes it's great cooked!) spinach, zucchini, onion, or any other vegetable you can chop up and put in it.

Some tips and tricks for the perfect omlette, every time:
  • Whisk or beat your egg mixture until there are bubbles sitting on top
  • Make sure your pan, preferably non-stick with a spray of olive oil, is hot.
  • Pre-cook the veggies in the pan for a couple of minutes as they won't cook through in the omlette.
Set vegetable aside, wipe the pan and re-spray with olive oil

Reduce the heat to medium and add the egg mixture to the pan.

Use your spatula to gently scrape the middle of the omlette, allowing the mixture to fill in the spaces.

Give the egg a couple of minutes to cook then add the veggie mix to one half of the omlette, sprinkle the cheese and flip the other side over to cover the veggies.

Turn off the heat, give it another couple of minutes and serve.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Reading Nutritional Panels

Have you ever wondered about the information on nutritional panels; why is protein important? should I cut out carbs? which fat is 'the good fat'? and what does it all mean?

Start by looking at the 'energy' numbers, in the 'per 100grams' column; this column is most useful for comparing products, as the 'per serve' measure varies across different brands and food types.

If you're looking to lose a serious amount of weight, say more than 10kg - 15kg, then the energy value of the food you eat becomes significant.

You should be looking to consume between 400 - 600 calories per meal, (x 3 meals = 1200 - 1800 calories per day) depending on your body type & weight loss goals.

The make-up of these calories is also important: protein builds muscle cells and keeps you feeling full for longer, so try to include it in every meal, but watch out for foods that are high in protein which also happen to be high in fat. (eg. nuts)

When looking at the fat content of foods, check the 'total' fat per 100g and aim for under 10g/100g; remember 10g of fat per 100g = 10% fat!

This is further broken down into 'saturated', 'trans' fats which are both REALLY bad for you, so avoid anything with the word 'hydrogenated' in the ingredients.

Carbohydrates are necessary for your body to function and they have gotten a really bad reputation over the last decade; for some, rightly so, (have you ever noticed that white bead makes you want to eat more... white bread?!?!), however, not all carbs are created equal.

The body converts carbs into glucose, the form of sugar it can best use, but it does this with simple carbs far more quickly, giving you a blood sugar spike (not good for your pancreas) and if this energy is not used up, it is easily converted and stored as fat.

Here's a good explanation of simple vs complex carbohydrates & why eating whole food matters.

Heavily processed foods have most of the nutrients and fibre removed & sometimes artificially added back. This is called fortification and often happens with breakfast cereals.

With global ill-health rising across the developed world, in no small part due to diet & lifestyle, this article was hardly a surprise.

It is a good wake-up call to start reading nutritional labels; specifically, you should check the total energy, protein to carbohydrate ratio, sugar and salt levels.

Always use the per 100 grams/100 mls column to compare across products and serving sizes.

The good news is, fresh fruits & vegetables don't come with nutritional labels.
A good rule of thumb is to mainly shop the fresh food sections, take a list with you, avoid the chips/lollies/soft-drink aisles completely (if it's not in the pantry, you won't eat it later) and get creative with your meals.

So start reading those labels, making wiser choices and enjoying the food you eat from the inside out. Happy training!

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Eat A Rainbow

 Image result for rainbow foods

Colour your world with a plateful of disease-fighting foods by discovering a full spectrum of good-for-you hues.

Apples aren't red by accident. And they're not made that way just to look pretty, either. In nature, beauty always has a reason, and coloured foods can encourage us to eat them (and spread their seeds).

Plant-eating animals can use colour to identify edible materials, and the intensity of the colour signifies ripeness. But scientists have also found that those pigments are created by a group of highly beneficial anti-oxidants called carotenoids, which mop up harmful free radicals in the body. Red and yellow hues signifying the presence of carotenoids are nature's advertisement for immune-boosting, cancer-fighting properties.

The Dieticians' Association of Australia (DAA) recommends five servings of vegetables and two of fruit each day, while the Australian Department of Health's Guide To Healthy Eating advises that 40 per cent of your daily diet should consist of fruit and vegetables.

You also need variety, including each of these colour groups daily: red, orange, green, yellow, blue/purple and white. Mix as many hues as possible with every meal. The deeper the colour, the higher the nutrient value. "The most crucial colours of all are green and orange," says Katherine Warth, dietician and spokeswoman for DAA. "Never go without either ... and try a new food each week to boost variety even more."

Signal for: Lycopene
Find it in: Tomatoes, persimmon, watermelon, pink grapefruit

This carotenoid is a fierce cancer-fighter and can also help prevent heart disease by inhibiting the formation of harmful LDL cholesterol. The deeper the red or pink colour, the higher the lycopene content. Says Warth, "Studies have shown that a high intake of tomatoes, which are rich in lycopene, can reduce the risk of prostate cancer quite significantly."

Lycopene can also protect against cancers of the digestive tract, stomach and lungs. It's a fat-soluble substance, and is more readily available from cooked tomato products and juices than raw ones. "It's better to cook your tomatoes with a little olive oil, or at least mix them into a salad with some oil on it so that your body can best absorb the lycopene," says Warth.

Signal for: Beta-carotene
Find it in: Oranges, carrots, mangoes, pumpkin, sweet potato, apricots, squash, rockmelon, pawpaw

Beta-carotene is a major anti-oxidant which lowers cholesterol and converts it to vitamin A, an immune booster that helps fight off colds, flu, cystitis and skin problems. "A study of smokers showed that those who ate more beta-carotene had a lower incidence of lung cancer," says Warth. She adds that this was true only when the beta-carotene was acquired from food, not a supplement.

Vegetables containing beta-carotene benefit from being cooked lightly to release maximum amounts. Like lycopene, it's fat soluble, so using a little oil will help your body absorb it. These orange fruits and vegies are also high in that other great immune-booster, vitamin C.

Signal for: Isothiocyanates, folic acid
Find them in: Cruciferous vegetables (the cabbage family), spinach, bok choy, kale, peas, artichokes, asparagus

Sulphur-based sinigrin, a substance unique to the cabbage family (which includes brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower), converts into anti-oxidant isothiocyanates, which cause pre-cancerous cells to destroy themselves.

Isothiocyanates give broccoli and brussels sprouts their distinctive smell, but the more pungent and strongly flavoured they are, the better, says Warth. Also present is folic acid, which is in its highest quantity in chlorophyll-rich dark-green leafy vegetables.

Folate works to prevent birth defects, such as spina bifida, and is a dietary essential for women who are (or are trying to become) pregnant.

Signal for: Lutein, zeaxanthin
Find them in: Yellow corn, bananas, yellow capsicum, honeydew melon

These two carotenoids work together to help maintain sharp, healthy eyesight. They are used in the area of the retina called the macula, which is the centre for sharp, focused vision. They protect the eyes from long-term light damage. We need to eat about 5mg of lutein and 1mg of zeaxanthin every day for adequate eyesight protection, so it's vital to include a large splash of yellow.

Bananas are worth a special mention for their high potassium content. They can help decrease the risk of stroke, lower blood pressure, relieve heartburn, prevent stomach ulcers and even aid in abating diarrhoea.

Signal for: Anthocyanins
Find them in: Blueberries, dark cherries, prunes, blackcurrants, cranberries, red wine, red apples, black grape juice, blackberries, strawberries, beetroot, figs

The blueberry is a tiny hero. It contains more anti-oxidants than any other fruit or vegetable. Anthocyanins have remarkable anti-bacterial powers, useful for tackling E coli, urinary tract infections and gastrointestinal upsets. They're also anti-inflammatory, which is why blackcurrant syrups are used in cold and throat medicine.

The anti-oxidants in purple or blue fruits help prevent nerve cells in the brain from deteriorating, and possibly help guard against the effects of ageing in general. Anthocyanins may also have a beneficial effect on heart disease by inhibiting blood clots.

Signal for: Flavonoids, allicin
Find them in: Onions, garlic, celery, leeks, pears, shallots, white wine, endive, chives

Allicin has been shown to inhibit abnormal cell growth, and flavonoids are important anti-oxidants. The sulphur compounds in these types of produce can help raise levels of beneficial HDL cholesterol and lower dangerous levels of blood fats called triglycerides, as well as easing the inflammatory response of asthma and breaking up catarrh secretions caused by colds and flu.

Pears stand out because, although they have white flesh, they are covered by green skin. Just beneath the skin lies a soluble fibre called pectin, says Anne Egan, dietician and co-author of Meals That Heal (Rodale Press, $55). Pectin can help prevent haemorrhoids, lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of colon cancer.